Oklahoma NAWGJ SGB Minutes Meeting 11/16/2021
In attendance:
Teresa (left early)
Not in attendance:
Jeana called the meeting to an end.
In attendance:
Teresa (left early)
Not in attendance:
- Zoo Review/Judge's Cup
- Discussion of announcing the awards as they are and any positions forfeited would be taken care of after the conclusion of the award ceremony.
- Due to the way the awards were announced this year, we will send 3 alternates and enter them as Team Oklahoma in the regular level 7 session instead of the State Team Challenge. We will pay a second team entry fee for this.
- Discussion to allow each athlete to only represent Team Oklahoma in the National Judge's Cup one time.
- Motion. Vote Passed.
- Discussion to break ties via the USAG rules
- Motion. Vote Passed.
- Finances:
- Judges Cup stipend will remain at $250/athlete. This amount will be revisited each year.
- Recommended to decrease to $200/athlete for next year
- Judges Cup stipend for the winning coach be $750. This amount will be revisited each year.
- We are sending one judge to represent Oklahoma and will pay the travel expenses.
- Discussion of expenses for Zoo Review and NJC, including the team dinner before the competition.
- Decision to pay for the athlete and judge's meals during the team dinner at the NJC.
- Judges Cup stipend will remain at $250/athlete. This amount will be revisited each year.
- Discussion of announcing the awards as they are and any positions forfeited would be taken care of after the conclusion of the award ceremony.
- Equipment/Signage
- Large discussion of how to move Oklahoma toward better compliance with equipment at meets.
- OK Equipment Checklist will be developed for use before competitions. Meet Directors will use the list to verify their equipment specs, sign the checklist and email it back to the Meet Ref before the competition to ensure that equipment is accurately set up. After the checklist has been submitted, if the Meet Ref arrives and there is an equipment set up problem without the ability or a refusal to correct it, then they will write it as a sanction violation.
- Checklist will be developed by Alicia with review by Brittney before sending to the NAWGJ Board and then the SAC.
- Jeana checking with Marilyn regarding specific equipment questions about email timelines and signage.
- Discussion about problems at meets should be sent to the board to prevent confusion.
- Suggested Zoom call with judges to explain the meet ref and equipment checking process.
- Next Meeting
- January 4 at 6:15pm via Zoom.
Jeana called the meeting to an end.