Oklahoma NAWGJ SGB Minutes Meeting 2/7/2023
In attendance:
Jeana called the meeting to an end.
In attendance:
- Zoo Review
- One check recently received. Teresa will give it to Jeana.
- Ribbon and Medal counts sent by Teresa. Tabled for discussion at the next meeting.
- Judge's Cup
- All receipts received except one coach. Julie will reach out to that coach.
- Reimbursement is in the works.
- Testing
- One in TX coming up on 2/25. Registration is available on USAG website.
- Encourage judges that haven't tested to use this test option.
- One in TX coming up on 2/25. Registration is available on USAG website.
- Buddy Groups
- Time for another quarterly check-in.
- Idea of sending a NAWGJ video as part of the check-in for the groups to discuss.
- Hosting Level 8 Regionals and DP Nationals
- Vote to approve budget $400 for gift bags and coffee for L8 Regionals.
- Vote passed.
- Potential reception for Nationals discussed
- Julie will research to find out which hotel and what the set up would be.
- Tabled for discussion at the next meeting.
- Vote to approve budget $400 for gift bags and coffee for L8 Regionals.
- Budget Discussion
- Educational Spending
- All checks have been distributed
- Symposium
- Brittney will reach out to everyone to figure out who is going.
- Early bird registration is March 1.
- Budget allowance tabled for next meeting when we better know the numbers.
- Region 3 and National Congress
- Oklahoma State Clinic option
- Tabled until next meeting.
- Educational Spending
- Senior Gifts
- Alicia will gather the number of graduating seniors
- Teresa will gather the items remaining and how many of each to send to the group.
- State Meets
- Next Meeting
- February 21 at 6:15pm on Zoom.
Jeana called the meeting to an end.