Oklahoma NAWGJ SGB Minutes Meeting 3/15/2022
In attendance:
Teresa - left early
Jeana called the meeting to an end.
In attendance:
Teresa - left early
- Senior Gifts Update
- 25 senior gifts ordered
- Bracelets will arrive on time, unsure if blankets will
- Senior Bios - Teresa sent out an email and collected responses.
- Alicia will get with Teresa and get the bios to read at State.
- 25 senior gifts ordered
- Finances
- Still working on Quarterly Report.
- Shower for Leissner
- Erin hosting a shower with all judges invited.
- Suggestion of hosting something at Region 3 Congress when everyone will be together.
- Shaw will take up a collection for Leissner.
- Buddy Pairs
- Changing a few. Julie/Sharon and Teresa/Jackie
- Parameters for Buddy Pairs tabled for first meeting after season.
- April Newsletter
- No Yurchenkos until Diamond in XCEL
- XCEL Bronze needs entire leap pass on floor.
- Region 3 Congress
- We will pay for all judges who will attend.
- Jeana has 5ish more to enroll.
- 6/7 Vault Presentation
- Moved to Summer or closer to next season
- Landings Presentation
- Add info from Tom Koll on NAWGJ site on landings. Suggestion to watch his video before presentation.
- Moved to later in summer or closer to next season.
- Meals
- Jeana will put out a post on coaches and owners text thread about meals (specifically breakfast).
- State Meets
- Judges gifts - $10 starbucks cards for out of state judges.
- Jeana will gather. Alicia will get them from Jeana and distribute.
- Judges gifts - $10 starbucks cards for out of state judges.
- Will open bids later in summer. No official date yet.
- Shooting for hosting in 2024.
- New Judges:
- Julie encouraging new judges to test compulsory first.
- Zoom call to help rather than just sending them the materials.
- Level 6-10
- Expect changes next season about specific deductions.
- Haven't been finalized or released yet.
- Next Meeting
- May 24 at 6:15pm via Zoom.
Jeana called the meeting to an end.