OK USAG Conference Call – 7/28/2020 - 5pm
Dicki Ward
Christian Ivanov
Justin Tolbert
Steve Anderson
Sam Rohr
Karis Alford (State Chair)
Lorrie Bertolet
Julie Kemmerly
Dicki Ward announcement:
Live streaming events… it could be done on PPV mode or a different format that Dicki is still exploring. It would require a substantial investment and additional staffing to keep control over live stream. Dicki to investigate options and research it further; he thinks it is possible to make this available.
-Public allowed or not allowed? Do we need social distancing in the audience?
-What type of cleaning is necessary during or after sessions?
-Sessions need to be spread out more, etc.
-For now the only information we have is that we need to stay within the CDC and state expert’s guidelines within your state.
Dicki Ward
Christian Ivanov
Justin Tolbert
Steve Anderson
Sam Rohr
Karis Alford (State Chair)
Lorrie Bertolet
Julie Kemmerly
Dicki Ward announcement:
Live streaming events… it could be done on PPV mode or a different format that Dicki is still exploring. It would require a substantial investment and additional staffing to keep control over live stream. Dicki to investigate options and research it further; he thinks it is possible to make this available.
- Ethics – all forms received by USAG and all documents look in order.
- Appoint office duties:
- Karis to send an email with all positions and the officers to select what they feel comfortable with. Then Karis to appoint positions.
- State Banquet – officially cancelled this year, all in favor.
- Awards
- Social Media
- Suggested meet guidelines – discussion to host only one meet on a weekend at each side of the state! It would be difficult to implement a guideline and propose that.
- As of right now we don’t have any guidelines by USAG on:
-Public allowed or not allowed? Do we need social distancing in the audience?
-What type of cleaning is necessary during or after sessions?
-Sessions need to be spread out more, etc.
-For now the only information we have is that we need to stay within the CDC and state expert’s guidelines within your state.
- Qualifications for State Meets